I managed to have an out of body experience by sitting on the end of the seats by the wall and putting one ear bud in the ear she couldn't see so I could listen to my iPod. Disfellowshipping came up in the WT study regurgitation and it was like "We shun ones who have strayed from the truth in hopes that they will recognize their error and come back. This may hurt us in doing so but remembering how jehovah feels will give us strength. Until they come back.....they may as well BE DEAD TO US." This was an actual comment made. Well hell, why stop there? You like okra, I don't and even though I'm not trying to get you to eat it, until I come around to eating it, it's grounds for shunning me. If I drink Nos and you drink Monster, same thing, shun me. Magellan vs. Garmin. Oreos vs. Lance. My wife vs. your wife. Marvel vs. Capcom.......pure segregation at it's best all brought to us by the loving deity who wants us all to get to this paradise, live forever, and pet animals with Me, Myself and Irene grins on our faces. F--k that s--t.
Vachi 8 He Is
JoinedPosts by Vachi 8 He Is
Interesting convo that never was meant to be.....
by Vachi 8 He Is inso, i'm being shanghied into going to this "special talk" dubs got going on tommorow.
and while riding in the car i ask, simply:.
"i'm not saying that's the only stance, i'm saying that this is something that they tell people over and over.".
Interesting convo that never was meant to be.....
by Vachi 8 He Is inso, i'm being shanghied into going to this "special talk" dubs got going on tommorow.
and while riding in the car i ask, simply:.
"i'm not saying that's the only stance, i'm saying that this is something that they tell people over and over.".
Vachi 8 He Is
Yeah, I mean the high point of the CON-vention is the drama......really? Really? REALLY? These aren't even actors, they're lip syncing to a audio tape. You just sit there and watch them flail their arms about like Power Rangers. I remembered looking forward to visiting one of the outside stands to get a pair of those flip-up binoculars so I could see and one of those mini battery operated fans as if that could help keep me cool from the heat blanketed over the open air Veterans Stadium.
Interesting convo that never was meant to be.....
by Vachi 8 He Is inso, i'm being shanghied into going to this "special talk" dubs got going on tommorow.
and while riding in the car i ask, simply:.
"i'm not saying that's the only stance, i'm saying that this is something that they tell people over and over.".
Vachi 8 He Is
So, I'm being shanghied into going to this "Special Talk" dubs got going on tommorow. And while riding in the car I ask, simply:
"What is the special talk about?"
"It says: Bible principles- Can they help us cope with today's problems?"
Then I ask "Isn't that their stance anyway? That if we just follow the bible people's problems will go away?"
"Well that's just one of many. If people would just follow the bible......"
(At this point I can see the train being derailed because nowhere in that question was I making the point that this was the only stance. Red Herring and Strawman much?)
"I'm not saying that's the only stance, I'm saying that this is something that they tell people over and over."
(Basically trying to get her to see that her lil special talk, the one that I have to be dragged off to, is NOT special at all. You can't sell something for $49.99, 364 days of the year and then on the 365th sell it for $49.99 and call it a special. But I digress, back to the convo. I must have dealt some kind of personal blow because she, right on schedule launches into....)
"You always talkin' 'bout nothing. You need to worry about (some personal problems I'm having).........."(Ad Hominem)
I'm sitting there like WTF? No really............WTF? How did we get here from there? She should have just said "Yes, that is a frequent stance we have." But wow, such fury all because to admit to herself that the special talk is just more of the same would friggin' break her brain? The WTB(S)TS says it's special and dammit, that's just how it is, even though we beat people over the head and spinkle this same message, along with several other ones throughout the year. She doesn't just do this with dub topics either. I can't talk to her because somehow, someway she always steers whatever convo I have with her into personal attacks on me. I mean, I could be talking about Toyota or something and I wish I was lying, but since I'm in a bad way right now (which incidently they helped create) I think she feels that I have no say even when she's dead ass wrong. So when I challenge her belief about something, anything, she can't win the arguement unless she goes down "really old, really fast avenue". And even in this case, we were on the same page when she said "That's just one of many". So the personal attack was not because we didn't agree on this being their stance, no. We got into it because I questioned the validity of this being a special talk?
Where is the website where..........?
by Vachi 8 He Is ini remember a website (teal background, simple set-up) that had an illustration of what you can expect when a dub visits you, as well as a number of informational things that the society would freak out about if they discovered dubs or people in general reading it.
if it was freeminds, it doesn't have the same layout, so i'm not sure if it was that.
does anyone know what webpage i'm talking about?
Vachi 8 He Is
I remember a website (teal background, simple set-up) that had an illustration of what you can expect when a dub visits you, as well as a number of informational things that the society would freak out about if they discovered dubs or people in general reading it. If it was Freeminds, it doesn't have the same layout, so I'm not sure if it was that. Does anyone know what webpage I'm talking about?
Why we grow old and die
by ballistic in"why we grow old and die"... i remember seeing this article quite a lot, but maybe you could tell me if it still comes around?.
anyhow, i was watching a tv programme the other day about nature following the second law of thermodynamics and i realised that everything around us breaks down, everything wears, things that move generate friction, the tendancy for particles is to fall apart and "entropy" to increase, just as the universe itself will one day have no structure left as such, just randomness of elementary particles floating about and darkness.. .
really, the question implies a bogus argument.
Vachi 8 He Is
Living forever would suck, I would sooner not be any living thing on this Earth or other planets and be done with it.
The big bad "worldly" person
by roxanesophia inconsidering this looks to be mostly a ex-jw site, you're probably thinking "coming into it?
" but i have friends in it who have persuaded me to have a bible study and attend meetings, and well, hey... it isn't doing me much harm.
Vachi 8 He Is
Hell with that! Hop in the DeLorean and punch it to 88. A truly loving god would not care who you associated with because assuming the bible is correct he created all things. Good, bad, cold, heat, up, down, left, right, B, A, select, start......everything. He wouldn't label you. In the world of absolutes there is no right and wrong, there is only IS. All this about what religion is right....god could care less as evidenced by his not getting involved. I'm a witness....a Jevachi's Witness. Nothing is true, EVERYTHING is permitted.
Why not fire the god who bears a grudge and hire a better one?
by Terry inthis is a competitive universe.
well, here on earth, anyway.... none of us has to settle for less than the very best unless we are cheap.. why hire a cheap god when you can get a better one?.
what the heck am i talking about?.
Vachi 8 He Is
I'm on it! *clears throat*
Mr. Falcon Asks......What's so bad about boxing?
by Mr. Falcon ini love boxing.
it kicks arse all over the place.
although it has lost some of it's prior glory and has waaaay too many classes that are televised and billed as "main events", it's still better than mma (sorry to any mma fans; i actually don't mind ufc, i'm just saying that i prefer traditional boxing).. anywho, what is the deal with jws hating on boxing?
Vachi 8 He Is
I beat Tyson..........with a game genie, but I digress. For that matter you may as well ask what's so bad about using ones natural ability and imagine little blue people living in harmony no less aside from the occasional visit from some guy and his cat? What's so bad about using that same imagination and creating a story where machines transform into mans image? What was so bad about breakdancing? (My uncle got on my case about that one at a dub gathering no less where other dubs were doing it as well. We all got a stern talking to) What's so bad about Earth, Wind & Fire? What's so bad about video games? What's so bad about going to a worldy party? This ain't the 1980's where kids BEG you to try their drugs. If I got some weed and you don't want it, trust and believe, I could care less. More for me anyway. What's so bad about Thriller? Clearly, the video is about saving the cheerleader, saving the world. Wait that's Heroes. They're in a movie theater and some wolfman movie is on. It's Mike of course but not the "same" Mike as the one watching the film. That one is just supposed to be a regular guy with his girlfriend who BTW is kirkin' out. The go outside and Mike zombifies and does some bad ass dance moves. So what's the problem? Zombies? The dead walking? Dubs should freekin' feel right at home with how people shuffle in and out of meetings/conventions and the ressurection horseshit. Really, are we gonna be able to use our imaginations at all in this poo system of things?
by clarity ini knew this was going to happen ... i was at a gathering the other night and sure enough!
number reinstated - 0.33%.
Vachi 8 He Is
Who really HAS to die at the big scary A? As long as jerkovah gets rid of Satan, his demons, the wicked ones who flip the bird to god and could give a rats s**t stain about his paradise, sin and death, then all that would remain is dubs and potential dubs. He could bring Armegeddon right now and ultimately save MORE lives than he would by waiting. What would be the difference between now and whenever he's supposedly gonna do it? I say there is enough dubs on the Earth that could populate it/subdue it. And there'd be enough of this myopic view so we could totally look like the blokes all hopped on anti-depressants on their crapazines.
The Danger of Credulous Research of Jehovah's Witnesses on the Internet
by Spade inhttp://www.watchtower21.org/2011/02/danger-of-naive-and-credulous-research.html.
it's been my experience so far, that anything a person wants to find out about jehovahs witnesses, they can find out from jehovahs witnesses.
any and all information ever published by jehovah witnesses is accessible to all.
Vachi 8 He Is
Jehovah's Witnesses have Knowledge that Leads to Everlasting Life to offer. Malicious opposers have nothing to offer except what is good for tearing down. It doesn't take much to identify another person’s faults and tear him down with cutting remarks. Case in point; PlayStation salesman do not slander the executives of Microsoft in an effort to sell a game console. From my observation, opposers of Jehovah's Witnesses are bent on slandering members of the organization, primarily the Governing Body. Some malicious opposers (Jewish religious leaders) in Jesus day were rotten in their hearts right to their core, and Jesus knew it. All Jesus had to do was listen to their conniving antagonism to know they were ill willed. The same is true in the last days. There are apostate fighters of God that run rampant and speak twisted things.
Your first sentence here, any proof of that? Mind you, I'm not saying what they have determined that they fall in line with in the bible. I'm asking for concrete evidence that says that jws have such knowledge. So what do you think is going on when dubs say "This WICKED SYSTEM OF THINGS"? Are they talking about the ecosystem? Are they talking about the wicked System of a Down album? They are slandering the part of the human race that isn't jehovahs witness. To announce to the congregation that someone is disfellowshipped is a cutting remark as any if not moreso. I myself have been called a son of a b***h but that didn't make people stop talking to me, not even the one who called me that. This "being an aposate" comes from who? Don't get it twisted, dubs do their share of slandering too. This isn't conniving antagonism by the way, I'm just pointing out some errors in your post that you're passing off as fact.
I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. Acts 20:29-30
*guitar rip, guitar rip, guitar rip* You take a mortal man, *guitar rip, guitar rip, guitar rip* and put him in control, *guitar rip, guitar rip, guitar rip* watch him become a god.......
All of the Watchtower Society's early literature is available in most Kingdom Hall libraries as critics of Jehovah's Witnesses will often zero in on the early development of the organization for any flaws without taking into consideration the environment that surrounded Charles Taze Russell and his contemporaries. There's no reason to speak to opposers for their take on the early development of the organization and certain other matters. I for one acknowledge any flaws myself. There are opposers like "Six Screens" that are obvious hate campaigns and use sensational propaganda against Jehovah's Witnesses.
ALL of the early literature is in MOST kingdom hall libraries...... Oh okay so you've been to most kingdom hall libraries then? Why isn't there a reason to speak about the early development? jehovahs witnesses speak about early developments all the time. Everytime that teen wants to go to a party. Everytime they hear something on the news where the bad stories are the bigger stories. Even selecting a job, yep you guessed it, early development in the form of going to the society's literature picking out stuff and to a smaller exent something that the bible said. The point here is, that god has to be unchanging. For him to 'inspire' the brothers to come up with literature that specifically supported "this GENERATION will by no means pass away until all these things occur" only to later say "OVERLAPPING GENERATIONS".....dude, it should've been overlapping from the very beginning considering it's source. It being changed tells me that it did not come from that source and I have every right to feel gypped and oppose j-dubs. What are the signs by the way? Earthquakes. So am I to take that if mankind somehow came together and believed in what the society was putting down that earthquakes would stop? Wars? What IS a war? Is it only defined by massive blooodshed? A war to me can be anything from Iraq to me playing a videogame. A war is a clashing of ideas and/or goals. Lovers of themselves/money rather than lovers of god? So we're just suppose to sit until that time comes. Don't make any progress at all and advance mankind some kinda way. Just sit. And maybe, just maybe, if we're such professional sitters, god will recognize us on that day. The same day that we don't have any concrete proof of because it hasn't happened yet. Religion is like this: You go to a train station and over to the tracks. Someone who's all dressed up as personnel is saying "Hey boss, teh train teh train!"You grab your bag and drop your iPod in the process. *fwoooshh* It's fine, a little ground dirt got on it. From your pov the train is coming, at least that's what you've told and you believe. You see an old guy on a bench waiting for the train too. You go over to him and ask how long he's been waiting. He camped out all night. Wow! That's commitment. "Teh train teh train!!" You look to see the railroad employee. You turn back to the old guy but.....he's gone. Maybe he went to pick up his luggage. Oh wait, there he is, looking into the station from outside through the window. It took a lot out of you getting to the station, you've been up since 4a.m. You put on your iPod and drift......off.......to zzzZZZzzzzzzzzz
You awake to find it's morning. "You gotta be kidding, no train still?" you say to yourself. You watch a young guy come down the stairs and go over to the tracks. "Hey boss, teh train teh train!" "He's still saying that?" you think to yourself. What happens next hits you like a ton of bricks, the young guy grabbed his bag and dropped his iPod. Picks it up and blows dirt off of it. You watch in horror as the young guy turns, walks up to you and asks "How long have you been waiting." The old guy from before was you, and he wasn't looking into the station, he was looking at his reflection in the glass.